International Political Economy Major

Major Requirements (36 credits):

*Competence will be measured by successful completion of two intermediate level college semester courses in a foreign language or by passing a standardized intermediate level foreign language examination.

Students who plan to enter graduate school or law school are encouraged to write a senior thesis. The thesis topic, definition of terms, method of analysis and bibliography must be carefully planned and approved by the Department at the conclusion of the junior year and successful completion of POE-299. During the senior year, students writing a thesis will enroll in POE-480, which partially fulfills the 400-level seminar requirement.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • To provide opportunities for students to reassess personal values regarding economic and political issues.
  • To provide opportunities for students to gain an understanding of economic and political principles within a broad global societal context and to give them feedback that evaluates their personal understanding. .
  • To require students to develop the ability to express both orally and in writing, complex and personally developed positions regarding political and economic matters.
  • To require students to develop an understanding of major political/economic philosophies and questions of justice and to provide opportunities for students to struggle with questions of justice regarding public policies in a global environment.
  • To require our majors to develop the perspective and sufficient analytical methods needed to develop the proficiency required to conduct actual research of issues containing strong economic and political content.